Guiding Principles for Cybersecurity Oversight
November 27, 2015
The Global Network of Director Institutes (GNDI), founded in 2012, brings together member-based director associations from around the world with the aim of furthering good corporate governance. Together, the member institutes comprising the GNDI represent more than 100,000 directors from a wide range of organisations. This paper describes the global perspective of GNDI on the role of the board in cybersecurity oversight.
A Global Issue Calling for Global Solutions
With the digitalization of the economy, an increasing number of companies in a wide range of industries are relying on information technology (IT) for their day-to-day operations. From manufacturers to retailers to airlines, organizations that never thought of themselves as “IT companies” are learning the promise and perils of the digital world. And of all perils, the greatest may well be cybercrime.
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The Global Network of Director Institutes (GNDI), founded in 2012, brings together member-based director associations from around the world with the aim of furthering good corporate governance. Together, the member institutes comprising the GNDI represent more than 100,000 directors from a wide range of organisations. This paper describes the global perspective of GNDI on the role of the board in cybersecurity oversight.
A Global Issue Calling for Global Solutions
With the digitalization of the economy, an increasing number of companies in a wide range of industries are relying on information technology (IT) for their day-to-day operations. From manufacturers to retailers to airlines, organizations that never thought of themselves as “IT companies” are learning the promise and perils of the digital world. And of all perils, the greatest may well be cybercrime.
View full perspectives paper.